Tuesday, September 9, 2008

perk-me-up(s) on the weekdays.

1) Books

i love the smell of a fresh paperback. (hahaha, sounds psycho)
i love borders 3 for 2 offers. there's nearly always something to buy until you realise that you've pretty much read all those you've wanted to and the ones that are left doesn't interest you in the slightest bit. AND, the ones that you want now are at the "new fiction". kns.
i just bought Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War' just because the cover is chio! (wahahaha!)
shiny red colour hardcover with gold chinese characters that reads "Pin Fa".
song bo!!!!!

2) Vanilla Latte & Oreo Cheesecake (from starbucks only)

burns a hole in the pocket but shiok as hell especially on a cold rainy day when you see other people rushing around under their too-small brollies and getting D-R-E-N-C-H-E-D while you're warm and cozy in a dim-lit starbucks joint sipping said latte.
booya! eheheheh.

3) T.G.I.F.(s)

no explanations needed.

i'd add more to the list when i have time. right now gotta get right back to work.


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