Monday, September 7, 2009

sometimes when God speaks, you keep quiet and listen.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

goodness, i just realised my last post was last year.

today, i met you. my heart didn't pump faster. i felt somewhat bored by the conversation.

seems like, it really is over.
4 months already, time really flies.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

i'm still not done with the experimenting of makeup.
sometimes, it does get rather taxing having to wake up 15 minutes earlier to draw eyeliner & curl your lashes yet for some people, they do it in 3 mins and can't live without it.
its pretty amazing.

anyway, yesterday i met rui for a cuppa in the evening.
so i asked her if i look better with eyeliner & mascara.

me: does it look okay? better with or without?
rui: oh, hmm.. well, you look brighter..
me: thats a good thing!
rui: brighter as in "brighter", not smarter.
me: WAH LAO.....
rui: yeah, sharper too. sharper as in it sharpens your features not, smarter.
me: yeah, i GET IT. i GET IT.

hahahhaah. the pros & cons of having friends that are TOO honest.
at least you know that their feedback can be trusted lah.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

for you know who you are

i was just randomly blogsurfing when i chanced upon this blogger who was writing about her tragic heartbreak.
how she couldn't down a morsel of food without feeling like she wants to throw up.
how she had to fight back her tears whenever she chanced upon something familiar that led to her remembering.
i think, it isn't the loss of the person that "kills" you but rather, the fond memories.
alot of times, we end up remembering the best of that person while forgetting the pain, hurt & anger that they've put us through.

i somehow feel we can live without that person, whoever he/she may be but its just that we CHOOSE not to.
before, we were doing pretty much fine weren't we?
its all about just getting back into the groove of our "previous" life.

you wonder why the worst of bouts of heartbreak seem to hit you when you're at your lowest.
its not that, its just that we have a tendency to THINK about things when we feel low because we want to feel the support of someone close to us, to know that someone actually cares or at least, bothers. the ironic thing is EVEN if you have someone, that someone might not necessarily actually fill that need.
And the funny thing is that we tend to forget about Him when we're at our saddest when the first person we should run to is Him because, what man cannot do, God always does.

like i said for the millionth time, it gets easier with time, dahling. =)

pink cheeks, lined eyes & full red lips

ensuing conversation with rach in the lift -

me: rach, this morning i experimented with the blusher. is it too like red or something?
rach: huh? what blusher?
me: huh? u mean u can't tell i put?
rach: like nothing leh!

cons? wendy?

i seriously need the full works.
mascara, eyeshadow, eyeliner, blusher, blending, whatever terms associated with makeup lah.

i probably have to start waking up half an hour earlier.
something which i obviously dont want to do.


Friday, December 12, 2008

sometimes i feel so overwhelmed.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

everybody's important, it doesn't matter who.

i made friends with the pantry lady, okay, when i say make friends.. i mean we have like 15 minute conversations everytime i go to the pantry & we're pretty chummy.

i know which church/service timing she attends, what her daughter does for a living, how much her footwear costs, what she usually does on weekends & where to get really good assam fish for lunch. yah i know, very kaypo is me.

so now, i get special treatment.
i get one little portion of the day's fruits just for me delivered after lunch if i miss the morning "dispensation" that also happens to run out REALLY fast.
i get called to the pantry if the fruit of the day is shiok like strawberries.
she'd tell me when the biscuits are freshly refilled so confirm won't lau hong one okay.

hahaha, she's so important!
