Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The not-very-long and not-very-short of it.

being a girl does have its perks in my industry.

(i'm gonna be honest so don't shoot me.)

you can get away with alot of things.
you can ask for ridiculous favours and make things go your way.
you can actually make mistakes, apologize profusely and they'd forgive you because "you're a young girl who probably doesn't really know what is going on."
you can smile, widen your eyes, tilt your head, tehhhh & do that skip and hop thing (LITERALLY) and people will give in to you. at first, i couldn't believe i was doing shit like that. ME ACTING DEMURE AND COY? OHHH COME ON..... however, you learn to do everything to your best advantage. yes, its disgusting that i make use of that however, desperate times call for desperate measures. milk it for all its worth, everyone's gonna grow old & wrinkly someday so while you're young, make use of that youth.
my boss actually thinks that me being able to get away with the most ridiculous shit is actually an ASSET. yes, i know, laugh all you want but let me tell you that alot of girls do it. so if you're a guy reading this, now u know.

how many girls are as honest as me? i actually divulge the secrets that women use discreetly to bend your will for their own benefit. my future husband will never have access to this post. HAHAHA.

being a girl in this industry also has its downsides.

people don't take what you say seriously even if you actually KNOW whats going on and can point out other people's technical mistakes because they treat you as a "young girl who doesn't really know what is going on."
they think you're a girl so you can be bullied into solving their ridiculous problems and unreasonable demands.
its hard to earn their respect because most of the people have been in the industry for YONKS and can spot a noob a mile away.
they think that even if they lie to you or spew bullshit and you'd treat it as GOLD NUGGETS OF PRECIOUS INFORMATION. unfortunately, i'm not stupid and there are more sources than you.

such is the life of me currently.
i wonder if other girls face similar problems in other industries though.
probably such things won't be happening in fashion or events, i think.
or is the same the world around?


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